Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog 1: Ellie Mae

            It was a brisk June morning. I arose and was instantly hit with a flood of excitement and anticipation. It was a feeling much similar to a kid on Christmas morning. I hopped out of bed, into the shower, and flew out the door into the car without sparing another second.  Voyaging alongside me was my Mom, boyfriend, brother, brother’s girlfriend, and sister. We all went over possible names and talked about the bundle of joy that was soon going to be coming home with us.
         We pulled into the driveway and up to a house much similar to one you would envision to be the witches house in the fairy-tale Hansel and Gretel.  It was a creepy little cottage, desolated in the woods. We all got out puzzled and thought this could not possibly be the right destination. Nevertheless, we walked up the creaky walkway and up to the door. “Knock knock knock”, we tapped on the door. A woman greeted us and showed us the way in.
            In a row we filed into the musty house. It was cold and smelled of mold. There was limited lighting along with odd pictures and décor around the house. It was the kind of place that made you want to crawl out of your skin. The woman however did the best she could to make us feel at home while she went out back to bring out what would soon be mine. We all looked around the room and then at each other not needing to communicate what we were all feeling. The place was absolutely disgusting. With a few exchanged words between one another we put that aside and remembered the reason we came, to retrieve the retriever, Ellie.
            The woman walked back into the room and set down a beautiful golden retriever before me. The exact one I had found online and had been fantasizing over for weeks. She was the one.  A smile grew on my face and spread from ear to ear. I knew I would have a new furry friend who would hold a special place in my heart, Ellie Mae.  

Thursday, January 24, 2013